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Comfortable rooms in Krakou
Dodane: 2015-06-12 Kategoria: Zwiedzanie / Hotele i Noclegi

Good Bye Lenin is a name of a professional and comfortable hostel. Krakau is its location, so people who want to stay for some time in this city, should check the offer of this place. The offer of this company includes high class rooms for two or more people. Each room has got many facilities like comfortable beds, tables and some decorations. These rooms allow their guests to take some rest after a difficult day. The next advantage of the offer is the fact that guests can book some interesting tours organized by this hostel. Krakau is a large city with rich tradition and culture, so these tours will increase the knowledge of tourists about Krakow. Another important advantage is a special, cheaper offer for organized groups of guests who want to stay in this hostel. Each guest is also able to use other facilities and services like breakfast buffet, laundry and Wi-Fi available in the whole building. The reception is available for 24 hours.

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